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November 13, 2013

One year of Fiber in Kansas City

  • , city news
It’s been one year since our first customers got hooked up with Google Fiber and we’ve been growing quickly, right alongside the KC tech scene. So far, over half of local fiberhoods have Fiber service and we plan to be done with our entire first wave of installations in early 2014.
We’re thankful to Kansas Citians for their feedback — we said that we plan to keep making our service better, and KC has helped us do that by sending along feature requests, helping us set the right fiberhood thresholds, making suggestions on how to improve our mobile app and more. They’ve also given us some insight into how a gig has impacted their lives so far. From uninterrupted video chats to smooth gaming to fast uploads, we’re hearing that Kansas Citians are able to do more of what they love online, using Fiber.
So what’s next? We know that folks in Kansas City North and South Kansas City, Mo. have been waiting for service, so we plan to open sign-ups and start installations soon. Look out for more info in February of next year.
Thanks, as always, to KC for letting Fiber be a part of your community!