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October 9, 2013

Some clarification for small businesses about Google Fiber

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Our Fiber cities are full of small business owners — their entrepreneurial spirit is one of the main reasons why we decided to bring Fiber to KC, Austin and Provo in the first place, and we can’t wait to see what many of them can do with ultra-high speed Internet. Recently, many of these local entrepreneurs have been in touch with us to ask for some clarifications about our residential product and our future small business offering. Here’s a rundown of some of the top questions we’ve gotten:
Why don’t you have an option for small businesses?
From the beginning, Google Fiber was meant to help make the web faster for individuals and families. We’d noticed frustration from users about their home Internet speeds — nobody likes to put their lives on hold as videos buffer, photo albums upload or movies download. We chose to bring a Fiber to homes first, to help make the web there faster, and we’ll have a small business product in the future.
What kinds of locations are you connecting to Google Fiber right now?
Right now, we’re only bringing Fiber to residential locations (units and homes where people live), plus the public and nonprofit sites selected by each Fiber city through our Community Connections program.
Can home-based businesses use Google Fiber?
Yes. If you live in and work from your home (e.g. accountant, graphic designer, online tutor, talent agent for clowns), you can use Google Fiber. Just make sure you read through and comply with our terms of service.
What businesses need to wait for the Fiber small business product?
If the primary use of the location where you want to install Google Fiber is commercial (e.g. nobody lives there), we won’t be able to bring you Fiber service yet. Hang in there for when we have a small business plan!
When will you have a small business service available?
For now, we’re extremely focused on bringing Fiber to all of the residents who are already signed up and waiting for service. We will have more information about our small business product in the future. Stay tuned to this blog, or enter your address and email address on our website to get more information as soon as we have something to share.