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August 14, 2013

Support for Kansas City Nonprofits Working to Close the Digital Divide

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Posted by Erica Swanson, Digital Inclusion Program Manager
This morning, the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, on behalf of several local funders including Google Fiber and the Sprint Foundation, announced a brand-new fund aimed at closing the digital divide here in Kansas City. The Kansas City Digital Inclusion Fund will support local nonprofits and community organizations that will help Kansas City residents learn about and take full advantage of the web.

Leaders of successful digital inclusion projects in other cities joined Kansas City nonprofit leaders to share lessons learned in their work.
We’re proud to be one of many local supporters of this first-of-its-kind grant program in Kansas City. As we’ve worked throughout the community, we’ve heard some incredible ideas from nonprofits and leaders who want to do amazing things to increase digital literacy in KC. We’ve also heard from them that they need more resources (funding, computers, staffers, etc.) to execute and scale their work.
Now, these community groups can apply for grants to fund their work to help Kansas Citians get online; get access to more affordable computers; learn how to apply for jobs; teach kids how to do research on the web; teach classes on how to compare health care options online and much more. We know Kansas City nonprofits have what it takes to make a big impact, and we can’t wait to see what projects they come up with.
If you’re a local nonprofit, you can apply now, or attend one of the upcoming informational sessions (listed below). Grant applications are due before 5 p.m. CST on September 27, and recipients will be announced in early November.

  • Wednesday, August 28, from 1 to 2 p.m. at Kansas City Public Library - Plaza Branch, RSVP here
  • Thursday, September 12, from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Community Foundation’s downtown office, RSVP here